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July 16th, 2024
2:00 PM EST
The National Institute for Industry and Career Advancement (NIICA) invites you to attend a virtual panel discussion, "From Service to Success: Registered Apprenticeships for Returning Service Members,” on July 16, 2024 at 2 p.m. Eastern.
This live virtual event will explore how returning service members and veterans can leverage their military experience to advance their careers through Registered Apprenticeships in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries that are designed to give veterans the credit they deserve for their military experience.
This event will touch on:
Career Transition Pathways: Learn how the Growing Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductors (GAINS) program and the National Talent Hub are designed to support veterans in translating their military skills into successful civilian careers.
Partnerships for Success: Learn more about our upcoming national program, launched in partnership with a leading staffing company, in placing veterans in high-demand careers in semiconductor and advanced manufacturing.
Veteran Success Stories: Hear firsthand experiences from a veteran who has been involved in a RAP.
This panel will feature insights from:
Michelle Leyden-Li, Moderator, Leyden Li Consulting
Jared Tatham, Managing Director - Semiconductor, Insight Global
Clay Nagel, Senior Director, National Center for Skills-Based Learning, National Institute for Industry and Career Advancement
Matthew Passmore, Regional Veteran Employment Coordinator, U.S. Department of Labor
Robert Brennan, U.S. Navy Veteran, and Senior Member of Technical Staff - Equipment Engineering - F8 Business Operations, GlobalFoundries
Join us in supporting the career advancement of our nation's heroes through innovative apprenticeship opportunities.
The panel, in addition to being live-streamed, will be available via replay for those who are unable to join live.
This project has been funded, either wholly or in part, with Federal funds from the Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration under contract number 1605C2-22-C006, (GAINS – Growing Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductors). The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor docs mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement of same by the U.S. Government.