Explore the SINC Database:
Your Gateway to Semiconductor
and Advanced Manufacturing Careers

Welcome to the SINC Database, where you can explore a comprehensive list of colleges and education providers across the United States that offer programs designed to prepare job seekers for careers in the rapidly expanding semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries. This essential resource is organized by state, allowing you to easily navigate and find the institutions that align with your educational and career goals.
By scrolling through the drop-downs for each state, you'll discover a range of community colleges and training providers that are part of the SINC network. These institutions offer the specialized instruction and programs needed to help you begin your journey toward a Registered Apprenticeship, setting the foundation for a rewarding career in a globally significant industry. The semiconductor and advanced manufacturing sectors are not only driving innovation but also playing a critical role in the global economy, making your role as a skilled worker more important than ever.
If your educational institution is interested in joining this network and contributing to the future of the industry, please fill out our contact form to learn more.
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
District of Columbia
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
New Jersey
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
New York
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
North Carolina
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
Northern Virginia Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Engineering Technology Certificate - Engineering Technology Location: State: Virginia (VA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Paula J. Ford, Dean of IET Email: paula.ford@nvcc.edu Website: Engineering Technology Programs Program Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College offers Engineering Technology programs, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Piedmont Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.pvcc.edu
Portland Community CollegePrograms Offered: Establishing Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Microelectronics Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Phone: 971-722-7621 Email: mt-advising-group@pcc.edu Website: Microelectronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Portland Community College offers programs in Microelectronics Technology and Mechatronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing.
Mt. Hood Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Mechatronics Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: Oregon (OR) Contact Information: Contact Person: Todd Saunders, Faculty Advisor Email: Todd.Saunders@mhcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mt. Hood Community College offers programs in Mechatronics Technology, including pathways in Industry Automation, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related industries.
Florida Gateway CollegeState: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: (386) 752-1822 Email: enroll@fgc.edu Website: Florida Gateway College Program Highlights: Florida Gateway College provides educational opportunities to support the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries, helping students prepare for careers in these critical fields.
College Of Central FloridaWebsite: https://www.cf.edu
Valencia CollegePrograms Offered: Certificate - Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Location: State: Florida (FL) Contact Information: Phone: 407-582-6688 Website: Robotics and Semiconductor Technician Certificate Program Highlights: Valencia College offers a Certificate in Robotics and Semiconductor Technician, providing specialized training for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Mission CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Mechatronics Technology Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Technology Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Clement Lam, Dean - Math, Science, Engineering Phone: (408) 855-5332 Email: clement.lam@missioncollege.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Mission College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the skills needed for advanced careers in these fields.
Santa Barbara City CollegePrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: Santa Barbara City College Program Highlights: Santa Barbara City College offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
University of California, Santa BarbaraPrograms Offered: Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp - 1 Week Bootcamp for Semiconductor Manufacturing in Partnership with SBCC Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jens-Uwe Kuhn, Dean Phone: (805) 965-0581 Email: jkuhn@sbcc.edu Website: University of California, Santa Barbara Program Highlights: The University of California, Santa Barbara, in partnership with Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), offers a Micro-Nanoscale Bootcamp, a 1-week intensive program designed to prepare participants for careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Foothill-De Anza Community College DistrictPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate - CA Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing Technician Location: State: California (CA) Contact Information: Contact Person: Chris Allen Email: allenchris@fhda.edu Website: Semiconductor Processing Certificate Program Highlights: Foothill-De Anza Community College District offers a Certificate of Achievement in Semiconductor Processing, which includes apprenticeship pathways to careers in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
Wake Technical Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.waketech.edu
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Industrial Systems Technology AAS - Electrical Systems Technology Certificate - Mechanical Maintenance Location: State: North Carolina (NC) Contact Information: Contact Person: Darius Wilkins Email: wilkinsd@faytechcc.edu Website: Industrial Systems Technology Program Highlights: Fayetteville Technical Community College offers programs in Industrial Systems and Electrical Systems Technology, along with a Certificate in Mechanical Maintenance, to prepare students for careers in industrial and electrical systems, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Normandale Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.normandale.edu
Hennepin Technical CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Automation Technologies Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jeff Thorstad Phone: 953-995-1623 Email: Jeff.Thorstad@HennepinTech.edu Website: Automation Robotics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: Hennepin Technical College offers an Automation Robotics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with essential skills for advanced manufacturing careers.
Dakota County Technical CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Nanoscience Technology (No longer an active program) Location: State: Minnesota (MN) Contact Information: Website: Dakota County Technical College Program Highlights: Dakota County Technical College previously offered an AAS in Nanoscience Technology. While the program is not currently active, it contributed to the field of nanoscience education.
Lorain County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.lorainccc.edu
Columbus State Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Electronic Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology Certificate - CNC Engineering Technician Certificate - Computer Aided Drafting Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Engineering Technician Certificate - Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate - Semiconductor Fundamentals Location: State: Ohio (OH) Contact Information: Contact Person: Scot McLemore Email: smclemore3@cscc.edu Website: Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate Website: AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Highlights: Columbus State Community College offers a variety of engineering technology programs, including a Semiconductor Fundamentals Certificate, designed to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School - LCJVSWebsite: https://www.lcjvs.com
Ohio UniversityWebsite: https://www.ohio.edu
Mesa Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Mesa Community College Program Highlights: Mesa Community College offers a QuickStart Bootcamp in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing intensive training to prepare students for immediate entry into the semiconductor industry.
Northern Arizona UniversityWebsite: https://nau.edu
Chandler Gilbert Community CollegePrograms Offered: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Phone: 480-732-7000 Email: azami@cgc.edu Contact Person: Max Espina-Lorenz Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Website: Chip Challenge: Growing Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry Program Highlights: Chandler Gilbert Community College offers the QuickStart program in Industrial Technology, designed specifically for Semiconductor Manufacturing, helping to grow the workforce for this critical industry.
Arizona State UniversityWebsite: https://www.asu.edu
Semitracks, Inc.Website: https://www.semitracks.com
Gateway Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.gatewaycc.edu
Western Maricopa Education CenterPrograms Offered: Establishing Pre-Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Western Maricopa Education Center Program Highlights: Western Maricopa Education Center offers high school CTE programs in Electronics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC, including the establishment of pre-apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing to prepare students for careers in these critical industries.
Estrella Mountain Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Automated Industrial Technology Certificate - CCL Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology I Certificate - CCL Automated Industrial Technology II QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Contact Person: Ivette Rodriguez Email: ivette.rodriguez@estrellamountain.edu Email: askadvisor@estrellamountain.edu Phone: (623) 935-8000 Website: Automated Industrial Technology AAS Website: QuickStart - Industrial Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Estrella Mountain Community College offers programs in Automated Industrial Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries. The QuickStart program is also available for those looking to quickly enter the semiconductor manufacturing field.
Maricopa Community CollegesPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing QuickStart - 2-Week Bootcamps in Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Arizona (AZ) Contact Information: Website: Apprenticeship and Bootcamp Programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing Program Highlights: Maricopa Community Colleges offer Apprenticeship and QuickStart Bootcamp programs in Semiconductor Manufacturing, providing rapid and focused training to prepare students for careers in the semiconductor industry.
Finger Lakes Community CollegePrograms Offered: Career Pathway - Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Workforce Solutions - Rick Hill Email: workforce@flcc.edu Phone: (585) 785-1670 Website: Foundations in Advanced Manufacturing Program Highlights: Finger Lakes Community College offers a Career Pathway in Advanced Manufacturing, designed to prepare students for careers in the growing field of advanced manufacturing, including opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.
WSWHE BOCESWebsite: https://www.wswheboces.org
Hudson Valley Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AOS - Mechatronics Technical Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Hector M. Rodriguez, Ph.D., P.E. Phone: (518) 629-7149 Email: h.rodriguez@hvcc.edu Website: Mechatronics Technology Program Program Highlights: Hudson Valley Community College offers a Mechatronics Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, preparing students for advanced careers in these fields.
Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Technology Certificate - Automated Systems/Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Persons: Jeremy Spraggs: Jeremy.Spraggs@fmcc.suny.edu Roger Young: ryoung@fmcc.edu Website: AAS - Electrical Technology Program Highlights: Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers programs in Electrical Technology and Automated Systems/Mechatronics, preparing students for careers in advanced manufacturing and related fields.
Monroe Community CollegePrograms Offered: AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Certificate - Electronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Dino J. Laury, Dean of Career Technical Education Email: dlaury@monroecc.edu Website: Monroe Community College Majors and Programs Program Highlights: Monroe Community College offers programs in Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Technology, Mechatronics, and Electronics, including apprenticeship pathways to Manufacturing and adjacent industries, equipping students with the technical skills needed for careers in these fields.
SUNY Westchester Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.sunywcc.edu
SUNY Polytechnic InstituteWebsite: https://www.sunypoly.edu
Medina Central School DistrictWebsite: https://www.medinacsd.org
Mohonasen High SchoolWebsite: https://www.mohonasen.org/mohonasen-hs/
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC)Programs Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Electrical Engineering Technology AAS - Mechanical Engineering Technology AAS - Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Certificate - Mechatronics Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Franca Armstrong, Executive Director, Apprenticeship Programs Email: farmstrong@mvcc.edu Phone: 315-794-7670 Website: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology AAS Website: Electrical Engineering Technology AAS Website: Mechatronics Certificate Program Highlights: Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) offers a variety of programs in Semiconductor and Electrical Engineering Technology, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries, providing students with hands-on experience and the skills needed for advanced careers.
Capital Region BOCESPrograms Offered: 2-Year High School CTE - Electronics 2-Year High School CTE - Advanced Manufacturing 2-Year High School CTE - HVAC Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Name: Diane Ogden Email: diane.ogren@neric.org Phone: 518-862-4816 Website: Capital Region BOCES CTE Programs Program Highlights: Capital Region BOCES offers High School CTE Pre-Apprenticeships that lead to gateway apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
NY-CREATESPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing BS - Nanoscale Engineering Location: State: New York (NY) Contact Information: Contact Person: Capri Ohara Email: COhara@ny-creates.org Website: BS - Nanoscale Engineering Program Website: SUNY Albany Nanoscale Science & Engineering Program Highlights: NY CREATES offers apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Engineering, including the Vet S.T.E.P. (Semiconductor Training and Experience Program), supporting veterans and others in entering the semiconductor industry through specialized training and apprenticeships.
Ysleta Independent School DistrictWebsite: https://www.yisd.net
Austin Community CollegePrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Specialization AAS-Manufacturing, Automation, and Robotics Technology Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology-Adv Mfg Specialization AAS-Manufacturing Technology – Medical Devices Technology Specialization Certificate-Manufacturing Tech-Adv Mfg Specialization Level 1 Occupation Award-Manufacturing Tech-Advanced Manufacturing Location: State: Texas (TX) Contact Information: Contact Person: Laura Marmolejo Phone: 512-223-0131 Email: lmarmole@austincc.edu Website: Advanced Manufacturing at Austin Community College Program Highlights: Austin Community College supports the AMAT Assembler Apprenticeship, offering multiple pathways to the semiconductor industry. The college provides Associate Degrees in Advanced Manufacturing and various certifications, preparing students for successful careers in semiconductor manufacturing and related fields.
Boise State UniversityPrograms Offered: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility CAES Technical Assistance Program Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Pete Miranda, Director Phone: (208) 426-5713 Email: pmiranda@boisestate.edu Website: Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom Facility Website: CAES Technical Assistance Program Program Highlights: Boise State University offers the Idaho Microfabrication Lab and Cleanroom facility, providing advanced resources for semiconductor education and training as part of the CAES Technical Assistance Program.
College of Western IdahoPrograms Offered: Apprenticeships in Semiconductor Manufacturing AAS - Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Technology Technical Certificate - Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Location: State: Idaho (ID) Contact Information: Contact Person: Robert Novak Email: robertnovak@cwi.edu Website: Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology Program Program Highlights: College of Western Idaho offers an Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technology program, including apprenticeship pathways to Semiconductor Manufacturing and adjacent industries.
UpSkillrWebsite: https://www.whyupskillr.com
Tooling U-SMEPrograms Offered: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Timothy Wilson Email: timothy.wilson@toolingu.com Website: Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) Program Highlights: Tooling U-SME offers the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) certification, designed to validate foundational manufacturing knowledge and skills, supporting pathways into semiconductor manufacturing and related industries.
SchoolJoyWebsite: https://www.schooljoy.com
Manufacturing Skill Standards CouncilWebsite: https://www.msscusa.org
SkillsUSAWebsite: https://www.skillsusa.org
Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC)Programs Offered: Developing Workforce Strategies, Internships and Apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing Location: State: Nationwide (US) Contact Information: Contact Person: Jared M. Ashcroft Email: JMASHCROFT@pasadena.edu Website: Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) Program Highlights: The Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) focuses on developing workforce strategies, internships, and apprenticeships in Nanotechnology and Semiconductor Manufacturing, supporting the growth and skill development required in these cutting-edge industries.
Gloucester County Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.gcit.org
Manasquan High SchoolWebsite: https://www.manasquanschools.org/mhs
Ivy Tech Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.ivytech.edu
Johnson County Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.jccc.edu
Washburn Institute Of TechnologyWebsite: https://www.washburntech.edu
Madison Area Technical CollegeWebsite: https://madisoncollege.edu
Morgan State UniversityWebsite: https://www.morgan.edu
Nexford UniversityWebsite: https://www.nexford.edu
Salt Lake Community CollegeWebsite: https://www.slcc.edu
Stack InfrastructureWebsite: https://www.stackinfra.com
The National Talent Hub:
Connecting Education to Industry Needs
The National Talent Hub is an integral part of SINC, serving as the nation’s only dynamic system that reflects the ever-changing needs of tech-related industries and advanced manufacturing. By aligning job requirements with educational program curricula and individual skills profiles, the National Talent Hub ensures that the courses offered through SINC meet both employer and individual needs. This alignment guarantees that students are prepared for the high-demand careers awaiting them in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing sectors.